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Selected news for July and August 2024 (in alphabetical order):

Simon BAILEY can be seen again this summer at the Tiroler Festspiele Erl: On July 5/6/8 and July 23/24/26, he will be Wotan/Wanderer in Wagner’s RING cycle, directed by Brigitte Fassbaender. Erik Nielsen will be in the pit.

He will also be on stage at the Lucerne Festival on August 21, again as Wotan in Wagner’s WALKÜRE. The Dresdner Festspielorchester and the Concerto Köln will be playing under the baton of Kent Nagano.

Claude EICHENBERGER will be Fricka again in Wagner’s WALKÜRE under Kent Nagano on August 21 at the Lucerne Festival. The Dresdner Festspielorchester and the Concerto Köln will play.

Cornel FREY will present a best-of of the COMEDIAN HARMONISTS at the Oper Düsseldorf. He sings the role of Ari on July 4.

On July 7, the artist will be at the Oper Duisburg as Prinz Andreas Stephan in Paul Abraham’s MÄRCHEN IM GRAND-HOTEL. This production by Michaela Dicu is conducted by Stefan Klingele. More performances in September.

Äneas HUMM will be on the stage with pianist Doriana Tchakarova and accordionist Goran Stevanovich for a song recital as part of the Musikfest Bremen. On August 24, lieder by Brahms, Liszt, Mendelssohn Bartholdy and others will be performed in the Hermann Allmers Haus in Sandstedt-Rechtenfelth.   

Marco JENTZSCH can be heard as Siegmund in Wagner’s WALKÜRE at the Tiroler Festspiele Erl on July 6 and 24. Erik Nielsen conducts this production by Brigitte Fassbaender.

Torben JÜRGENS will be on stage at the Oper Düsseldorf on July 5 for the farewell gala in honour of Axel Kober.

In addition, on July 7 he will be appearing one last time this season as Makintosh in Paul Abraham’s MÄRCHEN IM GRAND-HOTEL at the Oper Duisburg. The production by Michaela Dicu is conducted by Stefan Klingele. Further performances in September.

And on July 26 and 31, and August 4, Torben Jürgens will make his debut at the Salzburger Festspiele  as Haushofmeister in a concert performance of Strauss’ CAPRICCIO. Christian Thielemann is in the pit.

Johannes KAMMLER sings for the first time the role of Ottokar in von Weber’s FREISCHÜTZ at the Bregenzer Festspiele. Musical direction: Enrique Mazzola, Erina Yashima; stage direction: Philipp Stölzl; dates: between July 17 and August 18.

Michael KUPFER-RADECKY will again be singing at the Bayreuth Festival this summer: on July 25/26/27/28/30/31 and August 1/2/3 he will be the Holländer in the children’s opera FLIEGENDER HOLLÄNDER. The production by Kerem Hillel will be conducted by Azis Sadikovic.

On August 2 and 25, Michael Kupfer-Radecky will also sing Gunther in GÖTTERDÄMMERUNG in Bayreuth under the baton of Simone Young. This production has been staged by Valentin Schwarz.

Rolf Romei is going to sing the role of Max in von Weber’s FREISCHÜTZ at the Bregenzer Festspiele. Enrique Mazzola and Erina Yashima share the conducting; stage direction: Philipp Stölzl; dates: between July 17 and August 18.

Jordan SHANAHAN will give a song recital with Matthew Toogood at the piano at the Richard Wagner Museum in Bayreuth. On August 5, they will perform songs by Ravel, Mahler, Butterworth and others.

The artist will also be Klingsor in Wagner’s PARSIFAL at the Bayreuther Festspiele in a production by Jay Scheib. Pablo Heras-Casado will be conducting. Dates: July 27, and August 7/10/14/17/24.

Bo SKOVHUS is the Count in a concert performance of Strauss’ CAPRICCIO at the Salzburger Festspiele on July 26 and 31 and August 4. Christian Thielemann will be the musical director.

Kristina STANEK sings Azucena in Verdi’s TROVATORE again at the Stuttgarter Staatsoper. Staging: Paul-Georg Dittrich; musical director: Antonello Manacorda; performances: July 1/4/9/16.

Matthew TOOGOOD will give a recital with baritone Jordan Shanahan at the Richard Wagner Museum in Bayreuth. Lieder by Ravel, Mahler, Butterworth and others will be performed on August 5.

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